Nouvelles de l'industrie

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

6 mai, 2022

Le gouvernement ivoirien a donné hier des précisions sur son Projet des chaînes des valeurs compétitives pour l’emploi et la transformation économique (PCCET) lancé début...

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6 mai, 2022

Au Bénin, en conseil des ministres hier, deux agréments d’investissements ont été accordés à...lire la suite

6 mai, 2022

The cashew industry is one of the most promising sub-sectors in agriculture. But Africa which grows most of the world’s raw cashews is missing out on a wealth of opportunities offered by the booming global demand. Analysts attribute this to...

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25 avr, 2022

En Côte d’Ivoire, Valency International Trading, une filiale de  Valency International basée à Singapour,  va construire une usine de transformation de noix de cajou avec une facilité de crédit de $10 millions octroyé par...lire la suite

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12 avr, 2022

Neuf unités de transformation de noix de cajou de Côte d’Ivoire ont reçu mardi dernier leur certification américaine Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) ce qui leur permet d’exporter aux Etats-Unis. Au départ, 13 entreprises en...

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1 avr, 2022



Au cours des 16 dernières années, l'Alliance pour le Cajou...

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13 mar, 2022

The Tree Crops Development Authority (TCDA) – with the mandate of regulating and developing the production, processing and ...

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13 mar, 2022

The Vietnam Cashew Association (VINACAS), on the evening of March 8, informed that it had just received an appeal for help from some cashew nut processing and exporting enterprises.

Accordingly, they have signed contracts to export cashew nuts to...


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13 mar, 2022

About 500 farmers, including women in 24 communities in the district have lost their socio-economic livelihoods, as the outbreaks further swept through acres of soya beans, maize and yam farms.

Because the farmers said they sought loans, they were afraid the financial institutions that granted them the facility would come after...


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11 mar, 2022

An early-stage collaboration between The BRIDGE innovation hub at the University of Toronto Scarborough and a researcher will work to ensure that Ghanaian cashew farmers receive equitable wages for their valuable export: cashews.

The partnership was initiated by Edwina Apaw, manager in U of T Scarborough’s Office of the Vice-Principal Academic & Dean whose PhD...

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