Nouvelles de l'industrie

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

7 avr, 2015

Western Cashew Nut Industries is discussing with Development Bank of Zambia and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock on the possibility to finance the 22 million Zambian kwecha required to invest in the multi-million cashew plantation project. Company managing director Moses Shimbilimbili said over 200 farmers have been engaged to cultivate cashew trees under the out-grower schemes....

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23 mar, 2015

Le 19 mars 2015, le Centre des ressources commerciales (ATRC) de la Loi sur la croissance et les possibilités économiques en Afrique (AGOA) a officiellement été lancé à la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie du Ghana (CCIG), sise à Accra, au Ghana. L'ATRC est un effort conjoint entre le CCIG et le Centre ouest-africain pour le commerce de l’...

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18 mar, 2015

Representatives of the Ghana Cashew Industry Stakeholders have agreed on GH¢2.70 per kilogramme as the starting price for Raw Cashew Nuts (RCN) in Ghana in the 2015 cashew season. This is the first time the players in the industry have come together to set a common price for the beans....

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25 fév, 2015

L'Alliance africaine pour le cajou (ACA) a reçu une nouvelle subvention du Fonds africain pour le commerce (AfTra) de la Banque africaine de développement destinée à mettre en œuvre un vaste programme d'assistance technique pour les transformateurs de cajou dans 8 pays en Afrique de l'Est et de l'Ouest.

La subvention soutient les activités de l’ACA visant à créer plus de 2000 nouveaux...

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18 fév, 2015

The European Union has committed to supplying 1.5 million euros to projects based in Guinea-Bissau that improve the livelihoods of small-scale cashew farmers.  Approximately half of this amount is dedicated entirely to producers who seek to strengthen the quality and quantity of their production.

To read more, please visit the Macau Hub site...

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13 jan, 2015

Le 4ème Appel commence le 7 janvier et termine le 24 janvier 2015.

1. Le Fonds de Contrepartie de Cajou

L'adoption de bonnes pratiques agricoles assure une meilleure qualité de noix de cajou brutes, tandis que des liens stables et fiables entre les agriculteurs, les transformateurs et les acheteurs est extrêmement essentiel pour la compétitivité de noix de cajou d'...

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12 déc, 2014

The National Cashew Association of Nigeria (NCAN) has officially solicited assistance from the federal government to subsidize the procurement of jute bags for cashew packaging. The packing materials which are currently used most widely, polypropelene bags, negatively affect the quality of the cashew nuts.  To read more, please visit the allAfrica site...

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21 nov, 2014

According to the General Director of the Mozambican National Cashew Institute (Incaju), Filomena Maiopue, the cashew crop in Mozambique is expected to surpass last year's harvest by nearly 17,000 MT, reaching 80,000 MT.  Please visit the Plaza Fresh site to read more.

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7 nov, 2014

Towards reducing post-harvest losses and wastages in the cashew industry, the Kogi State Government has started upgrading warehouses in the...

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30 oct, 2014

In Cote d'Ivoire, cashew trees were initially planted in the northern region of the country as a mechanism to prevent soil erosion and deforestation. However, now that it has become one of the largest cashew-producing countries in the world and the economy is boosted from the sale of the raw nuts, the country may be well on its way to dominating the world's cashew industry. To read more,...

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